The Sunlit Path

My expression of Gratitude and Love to Sri Aurobindo and The Mother.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Wrote this poem sometime in 2000.

Stillness in the Eternal is Shiva,
Passive deafening Silence is Shiva,
Solidarity of snow-capped peaks is Shiva,
The Joy of loneliness is Shiva.

Motion, His Cosmic Dance,
He moulds Form from the Formless,
Pouring His Supernal Beauty,
Invokes His limited Self.

Shiva is Sheer Height,
Voidness of Space is Shiva,
Flow of Poetry is Shiva,
The Harmony of Contrast is Shiva.

An Eternal Look from Infinity,
Surpassing Space and Time,
The Limitless enjoys Its limited version,
With the Bliss and Innocence of a Child.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Eternal Lovers - Earth & Rain

My dark lover,
Who holds the secret nectar,
Life has yearned forever.

My million senses awaken,
To your touch & laughter,
Mesmerized & oblivious,
I stand drunk in your divine fragrance.

When sometimes you abandon me my love,
It hurts, I crack and break down.

Who will nurture Life, if we both let go?
Doesn't your heart melt,
When you hear our children suffer?

Heed to their prayers, Unleash your love,
When you hear their paeans,
Know that the hurt your whims caused me,
Have begun to heal.

Real Death

On the news today,
I saw the clip of a child,
clinging to her dear life.

Some milk and medicine,
can shake her out of the coma,
induced by malnutrition.

Here I am, in my apartment,
dinner time, shoving food,
as I watch the gore.

Where have I truly been all this time?
I have all that I need...
yet I cry and complain,
of life's injustice to me!

I truly fear, more than death;
when I can make a difference,
but my heart moves not.

Drugged by apathy,
as I float in limbo land,
I start to recognize the face,
of the real dying person.